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 On Michael singing as a child, Clay McMurray, former producer, Motown Records, 1968-1975

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michael - On Michael singing as a child, Clay McMurray, former producer, Motown Records, 1968-1975 Empty
PostSubject: On Michael singing as a child, Clay McMurray, former producer, Motown Records, 1968-1975   michael - On Michael singing as a child, Clay McMurray, former producer, Motown Records, 1968-1975 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 13, 2012 12:23 pm

“I am a former writer, producer, engineer for Motown Records. I had the honor of working with Michael and Jermaine Jackson while they were contracted to the label during the early 70′s both in Detroit and Los Angeles. I wrote and produced a song on Michael alone entitled `Label Me Love’ and to my knowledge it has never been released to date.

Michael himself was an enormous talent as a kid not yet in his teens, and I say this because the song I recorded with him I found to be in a tad too high a key. Initially, Mike had a problem adjusting his voice to the track [but he] figured a way to sing the lead without any changes to the key or the overall track. I was amazed at his natural ability to make it work, regardless of the circumstance.

“The last time I had any contact with Mike was when my daughter Nicci got an offer from his MJJ Records label to do a record deal. When she called to tell me about Mike’s offer I felt she would get a real opportunity at getting a shot and I approved her decision to sign the girl group she called Brownstone to MJJ Records. Nicci was the lead singer and in the first group Mike signed to his label. With the grace of God, they received a platinum album on their first album release and gold Record on the 2nd and final release.

“He was here on earth for many reasons and we should appreciate all he gave us before he was called home to complete his greatest performance.”
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On Michael singing as a child, Clay McMurray, former producer, Motown Records, 1968-1975
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