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 Jacksons- 1977

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Jacksons- 1977 Empty
PostSubject: Jacksons- 1977   Jacksons- 1977 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 27, 2011 1:41 pm

Joe Jackson hires the management team of Freddy DeMann & Ron Weisner as partners in managing The Jacksons.

Rebbie gives birth to Yashi Jackson.


The Jacksons begin a second series of their Variety Show on CBS performing their latest songs from The Jacksons album (all episodes posted in 1976)


Promotional Portrait Photo Session for The Jacksons' Variety Show
The Jacksons pose for photos which will be used to promote Season 2 of The Jacksons' Variety Show.

January 31:

The Jacksons perform Good Times at The American Music Awards. Michael also presents an award

February 19:

The Jacksons present an award to Nathalie Cole at the Grammy Awards.

February 24

The Jacksons visit the Philadelphia International Records


Michael is on the cover of Rock & Soul Magazine. The single Show You The Way To Go is released by Epic.


The Jacksons tour Europe with concerts in London , Paris, Bremen , Amsterdam and Glasgow (at the Royal Command Performance at King’s Hall as part of Queen Elizabeth’s Silver Jubilee celebrations where the group gets to meet the Queen!) While in Paris , The Jacksons perform Keep On Dancing at Top à Joe Dassin. They also perform at Top Of The Pops in London .

Meeting The Queen

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The Jacksons perform Keep On Dancing at Top à Joe Dassin

June 20:

Michael attends a Studio 54 party for the stage show Beatlesmania.

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June 27:

Enid gives birth to Sigmund Jackson (Siggy)

July 4:

During an outing to Coney Island while visiting Jermaine’s home, Michael suffers an attack of pneumothorax and is rushed to the hospital.

Early July:

Michael and LaToya move to a condo in Manhattan's Sutton Place. Michael is in NYC to rehearse and film his first movie The Wiz, a black remake of The Wizard Of Oz. Michael got the part of the Scarecrow opposite good friend Diana Ross as Dorothy and Richard Pryor as The Wiz. The film is directed by Sydney Lumet.

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Jacksons' New York Photoshoot
The Jacksons pose for a group portrait in New York in 1977.
Photographer: Richard E. Aaron/Redferns

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July 16:

On the first day of rehearsal, Michael meets the musical director Quincy Jones (that he has already seen in 1972 at Sammy Davis Jr’s home)


Michael goes to the famous club Studio 54 in New York with LaToya & Janet. He meets a lot of people like Liza Minelli, Stephanie Mills, Tatum O’Neil or Andy Warhol.

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August 16:

Michael is on the cover of Jet Magazine.

August 24:

Michael attends the Carter Burden party hosted by Woody Allen.

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August 26:

Michael attends the RFK pro-celebrity tennis tournament party with Mohamed Ali.

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Michael is on the cover of Soul Magazine.

September 28:
Universal Pictures holds a press conference at Astoria Studios in Queens ( New York ) to announce the making of The Wiz. Michael attends the event with Diana Ross, Nipsey Russel and Ted Ross.

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October 3-December 30 :
Filming of The Wiz at the Astoria Studios and on location in New York .

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Epic releases the album & single Goin Places (produced once again by Gamble & Huff)

October 25:
The cast of The Wiz hold a party in Michael’s honour at the Studio 54.

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Michael is on the cover of Rock & Soul Magazine.

November 4:
Michael attends Andre Mc Andrie ‘s birthday party.

Michael & Joe go to a meeting with Ron Alexenburg, President of Epic Records to ask for complete artistic freedom for the next Jacksons ’ album.

Alexenburg agrees, appointing two executive producers, Bobby Colombus and Mike Atkinson.

December 31:
Michael spends New Year’ s eve at the Studio 54 with Liza Minelli among others.

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Jacksons- 1977 Pbucket

Jacksons- 1977 Pbucket
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