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 Love Is Here, and Now You're Gone

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PostSubject: Love Is Here, and Now You're Gone   Love Is Here, and Now You're Gone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 4:37 am

"Love Is Here and Now You're Gone" is a 1967 song recorded by The Supremes for the Motown label.
Written and composed by Motown's main production team Holland–Dozier–Holland, it became the second consecutive number-one pop single from the Supremes' album The Supremes Sing Holland–Dozier–Holland and the group's ninth overall chart-topper in the United States on Billboard Hot 100, peaking March 1967.[1]

Michael Jackson later covered "Love Is Here, and Now You're Gone" for his solo debut album, Got to Be There.[5] On the 45 versions, it was the B-side of his number two smash, "Rockin' Robin".[6] It also featured on the 'Jackson And The Beanstalk' episode of the new Jackson 5 cartoon series in 1971.[7]
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