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 2001 Beyonce

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2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2001 Beyonce   2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 5:11 am

Janet Jackson livid over Beyonce Knowles poor comments, January 3rd, 2009

London, January 3 (ANI): Singer Beyonce Knowles has reportedly left fellow artist Janet Jackson fuming after referring that the latters family did not come from an upper class background.

The leading R&B lady seemed to have taken a dig on Jackson family by contrasting her wealthy upbringing against that of Janet, who comes from the working class area of Gary, Indiana.

“I grew up upper class. Private school. My dad had a Jaguar, the Daily Express quoted Beyonce as telling Elle magazine in a recent interview.

We”re African-American and we work together as a family, so people assume we”re like the Jacksons – but I didn’t have parents using me to get out of a bad situation,” she added.

And according to the New York Daily News, Janet was said to be so livid with the remark that she was planning a head-on confrontation with Beyonce.
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2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2001 Beyonce   2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 5:12 am

ETonline, June 25th, 2009

Beyonce joined the long list of celebrities paying tribute to Michael Jackson, who died on Thursday June 25th.

The R&B superstar insists the Thriller hitmaker will never be challenged as the King of Pop and June 25 will always be remembered as “a terrible day.”

She says, “The incomparable Michael Jackson has made a bigger impact on music than any other artist in the history of music. He was magic. He was what we all strive to be. He will always be the King of Pop. For anyone who has ever seen, felt, or heard his art, we are all honored to have been alive in this generation to experience the magic of Michael Jackson. I love you Michael.”
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2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2001 Beyonce   2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 5:12 am

BET Awards, Mon June 29 2009

“This is for you, Michael Jackson,” said Beyonce, as she held her trophy for best female R&B artist skyward, calling the singer “my hero.”
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2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2001 Beyonce   2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 5:13 am

Chinadaily.com, 24th October, 2009

She commemorated pop legend Michael Jackson during her performance of If I Were a Boy, dressing in an outfit similar to that from his hit album Thriller and emulating his signature moonwalk.
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2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2001 Beyonce   2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 5:13 am

Birmingham Mail, 13th November, 2009

More sentiment followed in the encore when hit Halo was extended to pay homage to Michael Jackson.

Showing a child video of Beyonce preparing to go out, the star revealed: “That was the night I first saw Michael Jackson in concert and from that moment I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to be like Michael Jackson.”
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2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2001 Beyonce   2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 5:13 am

news.com.au, 1st December, 2009

She told Britain’s Observer newspaper: “There’s always a new artist that people are fascinated with, and I think becoming famous is not so hard any more but staying – and I don’t even like the word famous – staying a celebrity is not so easy, especially now that people have access to celebrities even when they don’t want you to. In the end, you have to have some kind of talent. When you think about Michael Jackson and Prince, back in the day when they were mysterious… that mystery was attractive and now it’s hard to have that.”
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2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2001 Beyonce   2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 5:14 am

Dancer from TII, Saturday, March 13, 2010

It was during Grant’s time with Beyoncé that Michael Jackson announced his comeback concerts. When Frank Gatson got word of the audition, he told Kriyss he had to go. A lifelong Jackson fan, Grant jumped at the chance. But did he feel apprehensive about leaving behind such a big opportunity on the off-chance that he could dance for Jackson?

“No, it was Beyoncé who pushed me,” he laughs. “She told me she was gonna slap me if I didn’t go! She was rooting for me and so was Frank. If I didn’t make Michael’s concerts, I would have met up with the others and been one of the captains on the Beyonce tour.”
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2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2001 Beyonce   2001 Beyonce - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 5:14 am

Bill Whitfield, Bodyguard from 2007-2009 on facebook, 2010

Hey Bill,One question. Since she is like the best female performer in the game right now., What did Michael think of Beyonce’,and her single ladies video…

Bodyguards I know he liked her performances, he said she has a lot of energy.
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