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 1983 Terri Frederickersen

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1983 Terri Frederickersen Empty
PostSubject: 1983 Terri Frederickersen   1983 Terri Frederickersen Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 12:49 pm

Lloyd Press is a former Scientologist and knew Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley when he was in Scientology, he also dated a “Terri Frederickersen”, another Scientologist at that time, who he says told him in 1983 that she’d slept with Michael Jackson.
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1983 Terri Frederickersen Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Terri Frederickersen   1983 Terri Frederickersen Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 12:50 pm

Lloyd Press, alt.law-enforcement.interpol, Oct 16 1998

I know Lisa Marie. I don’t believe she’d marry anyone unless she loved them, and knowing her husband as well, I’m not surprised they had problems which led to divorce. I’m also not surprised if they’re back together.

Lisa is a sweet girl, but it was a helluva tough thing growing up in her spotlight. And I don’t think Danny Keogh was on staff at the time, so you’re really twisting some facts here. Michael knew a lot of Scientologists, including Terry Frederickson, a girl who was later declared a “suppressive person” by Scientology. Lots of people worked on getting him into Scientology, and his father Joe Jackson went to Clearwater and got auditing. Other members of the family might have, too.
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1983 Terri Frederickersen Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Terri Frederickersen   1983 Terri Frederickersen Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 12:51 pm

Lloyd Press, alt.religion.scientology, July 12 2002

Jackson’s involvement goes back to the early 1980s, when he was sleeping with a former drug dealer turned Division 6 (Santa Barbara mission, public recruitment for those who don’t know) person named Terry Fredericksen, who was a vivacious redheaded lady. She was later declared a Suppressive Person by the Church, and her not recruiting Jackson might’ve had something to do with it. And before that, $cientologist Dick Zimmerman, a top fashion photographer in Los Angeles, shot Jackson’s “Thriller” cover.

It gets deeper. His father, Joe Jackson, went to Flag and had auditing, and Jermaine Jackson and his wife Hazel (the daughter of Berry Gordy) took a film class with Eric Sherman, the son of noted director Vincent Sherman.

The Jacksons were around a lot of clams over the years and one poster was right — the cult’s too weird even for Jackson.
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1983 Terri Frederickersen Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Terri Frederickersen   1983 Terri Frederickersen Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 12:53 pm

Lloyd Press, alt.religion.scientology, February 1st 2005

Then there’s Michael Jackson.

- Married to $cientologist Lisa Marie Presley.

- Bedded by $cientologist Terri Fredericksen (who was later declared a
Suppressive Person by the cult – was it because she couldn’t get him
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1983 Terri Frederickersen Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Terri Frederickersen   1983 Terri Frederickersen Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 12:54 pm

Lloyd Press, alt.religion.scientology, Mar 31 2005

They were trying to get him a long time before that. Around 1983 a redhead from Terry Fredericksen told me she slept with him and that he definitely wasn’t gay. I’m not sure if it was because she didn’t recruit him into the cult or what, but it wasn’t long after that that Terry was “declared a suppressive person” by the evil cult.

Joe Jackson supposedly got auditing at Flag in Clearwater, but I’m not
sure if that explains why he looks like the devil. Jermaine Jackson took a film class from $cientologist Eric Sherman, who tried to recruit him. Not sure how that turned out.

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1983 Terri Frederickersen Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Terri Frederickersen   1983 Terri Frederickersen Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 12:55 pm

Lloyd Press, 26th June 2009

Anybody remember anyone ever posting anything here about Joe Jackson getting auditing at Flag and how Lisa Marie might’ve also worked on Michael to get him intto $cientology? Michael and I both briefly dated the same $cientology woman (no I’m not telling), and $cientologist Dick Zimmerman shot his “Thriller” cover. I know they’d say “if he was in $cientology he’d be alive” but I’ve wondered at times about Michael and the cult.
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1983 Terri Frederickersen Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Terri Frederickersen   1983 Terri Frederickersen Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 12:57 pm

Another former Scientologist, Michael Wilde, also recollects that a female Scientologist had attempted to recruit Michael Jackson

Michael Wilde, former Scientologist, alt.self-improve Dec 1 2002

Three people were involved in attempting to bring Wacko Jackson (Michael Jackson) into scientology. One is in jail, the other has been “Declared” (a word meaning to be declared as a suppressive element in the organization) and chucked out on HER ear.The third (Ms Presley, herself), is not welcome back.

My understanding is that two people were kicked out of Scientology because they were more interested in the FSM commission from Jackson than having their ethics in (among their many other crimes).

Side Note From MJJFA: These people are horrible with their references to Michael
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PostSubject: Re: 1983 Terri Frederickersen   1983 Terri Frederickersen Icon_minitime

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