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 Fan Who Met Michael in 2002

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Posts : 6397
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Join date : 2011-12-27

2002 - Fan Who Met Michael in 2002  Empty
PostSubject: Fan Who Met Michael in 2002    2002 - Fan Who Met Michael in 2002  Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2012 6:53 am

2002 - Fan Who Met Michael in 2002  01-46

2002 - Fan Who Met Michael in 2002  02-43

A me and a buddy of mine met Michael Jackson back in 2001 or 2002. Talked to him for about 10 mins. Was prob the nicest person Ive ever met. Yes pics are 100% real. And yes that is a showercap and rubber gloves.

It was in Vegas. They opened a jewlery store in the Vanitian for MJ at 1:30am…my buddy and I just happened to be walking by and saw him in there. The store had glass walls. We knocked on the glass and he saw my buddy wearing the showercap and rubber gloves and started laughing. He walked us along the wall to the front door and came out to talk to us. We got to talk to him for a bit before anyone else noticed. I tried to get him to go have a beer with us but he said his kids were upstairs (srs) so he couldnt. I got him to autograph a pc of paper I had in my pocket. Still have the original pics too. I need to frame em.
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