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 Hot Balloon Flight, October 1984

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Hot Balloon Flight, October 1984 Empty
PostSubject: Hot Balloon Flight, October 1984   Hot Balloon Flight, October 1984 Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2012 7:44 am

Hot Balloon Flight, October 1984 01-68

In 1962, Col. Joe Kittinger became the first man in space and he wasn't there long. He jumped out of a high-altitude balloon at 102,800 feet to became the first human to break the speed of sound without a vehicle. In 1984, he became the first person to cross the Atlantic solo in a hot air balloon. But there was a chapter left out of his legendary ballooning career. For several years, Kittinger was Michael Jackson's private pilot.

Hot Balloon Flight, October 1984 02-59

“We were flying fairly low,” Bansemer said, “and we flew over what looked like an elementary school with children playing in the playground, and he started to sing to them, and of course they had no idea who that was. Who would think, ‘Hey, that’s Michael Jackson?’ We were high enough that he wasn’t highly recognizable.”

Hot Balloon Flight, October 1984 03-49

Hot Balloon Flight, October 1984 04-38


Find more inspiring video, audio, and images at Growing Bolder.

Source: http://growingbolder.com/media/entertainment/music/joe-kittinger-flies-michael-jackson-359100.html#content_tabs
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