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 London 1997- Joe Yenish and Michael Jackson

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1997 - London 1997- Joe Yenish and Michael Jackson Empty
PostSubject: London 1997- Joe Yenish and Michael Jackson   1997 - London 1997- Joe Yenish and Michael Jackson Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2012 3:48 am

1997 - London 1997- Joe Yenish and Michael Jackson Flg3o7

London 1997- Joe Yenish and Michael Jackson : Joe Yenish then 28 years old account supervisor for a marketing firm in Edison, New Jersey, Joe has traveled across the world to see Michael-- including a fateful trip to London in 1997: As a crowd of fans sprinted after Michael's limousine, Joe was pushed to the ground and run over by Michael's motorcade. But the pain was worth it -- Joe's resulting broken leg gained him a backstage pass and an introduction to Michael, who signed his cast. Since meeting Michael, Joe has become an even more devoted fan, and is currently the U.S. correspondent for the international fanzine "King," a contributor to the MJ News Fan Club, and the head of "MJ Day," an annual Michael Jackson conference.
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London 1997- Joe Yenish and Michael Jackson
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