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 Love of Michael Jackson's Music Led to Aussie Marriage

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Love of Michael Jackson's Music Led to Aussie Marriage Empty
PostSubject: Love of Michael Jackson's Music Led to Aussie Marriage   Love of Michael Jackson's Music Led to Aussie Marriage Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2012 5:56 am

Love of Michael Jackson's Music Led to Aussie Marriage 23r9xft
Loretta dances with Michael Jackson at the SCG and Loretta with husband Eduardo and son Miguel.)

SHE was the girl in the white pants and shirt picked from the audience to dance with Michael Jackson.

He was the porter who carried Michael Jackson's bags to his hotel room at the Sheraton on the Park.

When asked, the now-married couple say they met "through a mutual friend".

Little did Loretta Tolnay, then single and 23, know that her future husband, Eduardo Bolton, was sitting in the audience at the SCG in 1996 watching her dance with Michael Jackson.

But Mr Bolton knew exactly who she was when she visited the Sheraton a year later, asking to have a "sneak peek" at the presidential suite where Jackson married nurse Debbie Rowe.

"He said to me 'your that girl in the white who got up on stage and danced with Michael Jackson'," Mrs Bolton recalled yesterday.

They married six years later and danced the bridal waltz to Jackson's ballad I Can't Help It.

When their son Miguel was born they didn't name him Michael only because he would have had the name of another famous singer - Michael Bolton.
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