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 Debbie Gibson Remembers Michael Jackson

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PostSubject: Debbie Gibson Remembers Michael Jackson   Debbie Gibson Remembers Michael Jackson Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2012 8:42 am

Debbie was one of the lucky stars to appear in Michael Jackson’s Liberian Girl video in 1989.

“I met Michael and he told me he had just watched a Disney special I did,” Deborah, who topped the charts with Lost In Your Eyes, Foolish Beat, Shake Your Love, Out of The Blue and Only In My Dreams, tells me. “I was blown away by the thought of the Michael Jackson sitting there watching me on TV. He then invited me to be in his Liberian Girl video. I actually was one of the few who got to sing a little snippet live over his vocal. To say it was an honor is an understatement.”

“At 14, I had the red jacket and glove,” Deborah shares. “I was a huge fan. He was a sweet person and lived up to everything you wanted him to be when you met him. He had a receiving line an hour long before his concert at the Forum. To personally meet so many people and then put into his show the energy he put in was astounding.”

“I don’t think it’s about the time someone is on earth but the impact they leave. He did more for humanity and for music in 50 years than anyone could. It’s a shock and I’m most saddened by the fact that a) I believe there was more music in him and b) he leaves behind three young children. Everyone feels this immeasurable loss. He was an American treasure.”

source: OK Magazine 2009

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