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 March 9th 2001 Private concert for Michael Jackson

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PostSubject: March 9th 2001 Private concert for Michael Jackson   jackson - March 9th 2001 Private concert for Michael Jackson Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2012 9:23 am

After his time in the UK, giving his speech at Oxford and playing 'Best Man' for Uri Geller. Michael spends the week end in Austria/Italy before returning to New York. Here is a very short tale from an Italian folk type Band called 'LaZag':
" 9th March 2001: we had been called to Solda (a well known tourist place for skiing and climbing in South-Tyrol, Northern Italy) to play at dinner for some important people. For whom, we weren’t said. Can you imagine our heartbeat rising up when we learned that is was the King of Pop, Michael Jackson himself we had to play for??? (He was there on occasion of a business-meeting with promoters or so). Our music appealed to him so much, that he stopped eating and began to swing on his chair. At the end of the evening he shook hands with us and said: "Nice music."

It appears they also played for Michael's bodyguards.

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March 9th 2001 Private concert for Michael Jackson
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