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 The Sheets

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Join date : 2011-12-27

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PostSubject: The Sheets   The Sheets Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 9:33 am

I have seen Michael four times in concert in the years 1988 and 1992 here in Spain. I remember thinking that he looked exactly like on DVD or pictures. I also remember him standing close to the edge of the stage, looking down to us and me not going crazy at all. I stayed calm and repeated, "My God, it is him!!".

In 1992, I went to the Oviedo concert adn I was staing at the hotel's garage exit as his car came ourt. He waved and smiled to us fans through the two front seats of the car. Two days later I did the same thing in Madrid. This time I waited for him at the hotel garage entrance and as his car arrived he got off and again quickly waved towards us before disappearing. I won't forget the feelings and thoughts that ran through our heads when we saw his amazing smile and his beautiful shining black hair.

Once a couple of girls and me got into his hotel after he had just departed and made it to the floor in which he had stayed. The hotel staff was already cleaning his rooms. I peeked inside his suite and saw a white piano and nearby a kind of portrait he had obviously drawn on some sheets with a black pencil. I still wonder today why I was not brave enough and took those sheets with me. So stupid!!!

Christina Sanchez, fan from Spain

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