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 Thank you for HEALING the World, Michael

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Posts : 6397
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Join date : 2011-12-27

michael - Thank you for HEALING the World, Michael Empty
PostSubject: Thank you for HEALING the World, Michael   michael - Thank you for HEALING the World, Michael Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 9:34 am

The first time I heard about Michael Jackson was in 1993 when I was 6 years old. As curious as it may sound, he has been a part of my life ever since- understood in the sense that I always took solace in his music and joy. Through Michael, I collected the best memories of my life, friends and also some amazing trips around the world.

I remember the day when my biggest dreams came true. It was 1997 and I was going to Michael's concert on his birthday, August 29th. My heart was beating really fast and it did not stop pounding until the day after the concert. Back then I could not grasp that I really had been to a Michael Jackson concert.

My dream came true again in 2006 at the World Music Awards in London. I remember my absence from school during those ays and my brother honestly defending me, telling that I was really "sick". I had "Jackso fever" he said, and he actually was right!

Michael, you have really touched me deeply and thinking that you're gone now makes tears come up every time. I want to thank you for all the beautiful music you have given us, and thank for all the wonderful and fantastic memories that have given. Thanks for all the wonderful friends you brought along for me. Thank you for healing the world. Thanks for everything. We LOVE You. You will always live in my heart.

Jannik Per Jorgensen, fan from Denmark

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Thank you for HEALING the World, Michael
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