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 My Little Gift's Journey

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PostSubject: My Little Gift's Journey   My Little Gift's Journey Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 10:15 am

I live in Australia. I knew I would be having a holiday in teh USA in March 2005, so ı made a "gift" for Michael, with the intention of going to the gates of Neverland, to leave the "gift" for Michael.

All up,my gift travelled over 43-44.000 miles and I never knew if it ever did get to Michael.

This is the mileage my gift, "travelled":

1- Brisbane (Australia) to Los ANgles via Taipei by plane
2- Los Angeles to Tampa by plane
3- a 7-dat cruis eon a ship via Mexico
4-Tampa to Baltimore to New York City to the Niagara Falls to Chicago to Los ANgeles by Amtral train
5-Los Angeles to Las Vegas by Greyhound coach

I had given myself three days in Los Angeles so I could take my "gift" to Michael. However, when I rang the person in L.A. who was upposed to organize the Neverland trip for me, it didn't happen.

7- So my "gift" came back to Australia with me.
8-In late May/early June, a Fan I knew who lived in Sydney as going to Santa Maria for Michael's trial. So I sent my "gift" too her. Alas, the trial ended sooner than we thought, so my "gift" was sent back to me.
9- Finally, a fan in Baltimore, organized a project for Michael's birthday in 2005. I contacted this person and sent my "gift" to her.
As we know by the time Michael's birthday came, he was in Bahrain so I don't expect my gift ever eached him.

I always have a feeling of disappointment when think back about it all but the distance my gift travelled in my effort to get it to Michael at least made it very unique.. I

No matter what, it was well wroth all the effort!

Dawn Trethewey, fan from Australia

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