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 Look Magazine August 25, 1970

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PostSubject: Look Magazine August 25, 1970   magazine - Look Magazine August 25, 1970 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 02, 2012 12:57 am

magazine - Look Magazine August 25, 1970 LookCover

The new group is the hottest planet in the disc must be in bed by 22 hours.

I have ls out in just ten months three singles that have reached over 2 million copies each. All have reached the first place national charts. Their albums are sought by their admirers adolescents, their children portraits printed in the minds of millions of fans. By injecting soul into music "bubblegum" bouncing, five students called Jackson arrived with his brand new. Behind large, and swing arrangements, text sent back and forth between the leader Michael, 10 years at the high-pitched voice, Marlon, 13, 15 years old Jermaine, Tito, Jackie 16 and 19. Joe Jackson, father of the boys was gruttier in Gary, Indiana, and was always trying to become a great musician, but never arrived there.

When her son began to show some musical flair - Michael was only 4 years old at the time - Jackson began to enroll them in amateur competitions, first in Gary, then around the state. Eastward in a Volkswagen bus, the group took place in colleges, or in black theaters. Last year, the black mayor of Gary, Richard Hatcher, presented them to Diana Ross, the star of the Supremes (now solo), it helped them to reach Motown. In less than a year, they had a national acclamation, and there is not no end in sight. One of these weekends, the Jackson Five landed in Los Angeles, where they now live, to give a concert at the Convention Hall in Philadelphia. Along with their father, Joe, cousins ??Johnny Jackson (who plays drums with the band) and Ronnie Rancif (who plays organ and piano), their entourage included Suzanne de Passe, a young designer that helps boys to develop, the coordinator Tony Jones, who takes care of logistical details, a photographer of Motown, a film crew of 5 men hired by Motown to film the concert, the driver of Jackson, and a teacher who assists them in their movements. A truck full of instruments, amplifiers and other electronic equipment also follows the group.

magazine - Look Magazine August 25, 1970 LookPage1-2-300

On stage in the cavernous Convention Hall, the Jackson Five arose in a dramatic demonstration of dances and songs, with Michael yelling, mixing James Brown and Sammy Davis Jr., in one small body. The songs of J5 soft sell sex for a prepubescent crowd. The title "The Love You Save", Michael takes us to a level of student immaginaire: "Isaac said he kissed thee under the apple tree, when he took your hand he felt the électricitéééé! ". In any case, from the lips of the boy of 10 years, it is quite plausible. Under this early sexuality ("Sit down, I think I love you!), There is a swing and bluesy rhythm that moves. It's only been a year since the Volkswagen bus on tour, but the Jackson Five have already come a long way. There were several major TV shows such as Sullivan and Griffin, the abound fan mail and fan clubs proliferate. More significantly, offers come from places like Las Vegas and London (their hit ABC arrived top of the charts English). But most offers are refused.

magazine - Look Magazine August 25, 1970 LookPage1-2-300

The Jackson is taken over by Motown boss, Berry Gordy, who developed the Supremes, the Temptations, and other major heads. Gordy is determined to let the bad vibes out of Jackson. Along with Joe and Katherine, parents of boys, it takes the major decisions in their lives. Jackie, the eldest, graduated last June, and all the others continue to go to public school in Los Angeles. (A school had to change phone number several times because of young fans just kept calling to speak to Michael). Their concerts are frequently fixed schedule for holidays or weekends. Joe Jackson has an iron hand in boosting the momentum of the new popularity of boys. "You must work hard to keep the proportion of things," he said. "I told them what would happen if they changed and had a big head. It's something I do not want to see."

magazine - Look Magazine August 25, 1970 LookPage3-4-300

So young stars keep a strict schedule that makes up at 7 o'clock in the morning for school, and in bed by ten o'clock. Between then: repetition of the afternoon, recording sessions, homework, a few compositions (Michael collaborates with Jermaine and Tito), interviews, and, if time permits, a baseball game with the son of Gordy and Diana Ross's younger brother, Chico. With such an agenda, remain mere boys is much harder than one might think, but between father and Jackson Gordy, it works. At home with the rest of the family - sisters, Letoya, 14, Janet, and brother Randy 4, 7 (a sister marriée Maurreen, 20, lives in Kentucky), a German shepherd, Lobo and 3 mice the boys are part of a close-knit clan. Katherine Jackson, mother, helps them keep their heads on their shoulders. "I think I always knew that Michael was an atypical child," she said. "From the beginning, it was in music. And, of course, he keeps us laughing." Michael Jackson is the wonder of. At the age of 10, he shows an experience that goes beyond his years. Imitation, it stings a few ways to do so, embellished with his own genius. Although Michael receives much attention, he gets along very well with his brothers. "They know he is the leader," says Joe Jackson. "And they each have their party. We work together in this family."
The dynamics of the J5 épprouvé neighbors their first home in Hollywood Hills, where Jermaine played bass and bottom of the organ where ampiliée Ronnie Rancif echoed through the canyon. So they moved into a new Beverly Hills home with pool and a spacious rehearsal room. Although they arrived at the top of the bill with many hits, Jackson does not count sitting on their laurels. Randy, Bongo player could join the group, transforming the group of a Jackson Five Jackson Six even hotter!

magazine - Look Magazine August 25, 1970 Suzanne-Look

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