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 Fab May 1970

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Fab May 1970 Empty
PostSubject: Fab May 1970   Fab May 1970 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 02, 2012 1:08 am

Most groups have to wait to be successful - often for years without a tube. The Jackson Five had a number 1 with their first album, "I Want You Back" and it was not even a full-time work, they are still in school!

I'm afraid that at present there is not much chance that the British fans see the Jackson here in the near future. They are currently busy with their boring education every free moment is filled with recordings and live performances, and all the constraints that hit number one require a group.

They were born to be musicians. Their father, Joe, played guitar in a band called "The Falcons" and their mother plays the clarinet, so boys, Michael, 10, Marlon, 12, Jermaine, 14, Toriano, 15, and Sigmund (Jackie for short), 18, learned to sing and play when they were very young. Sometimes their home in Gary, Indiana, was a music box, they all played.

They started their "career" in 1965 when they sang, in a radio talent at the College of Gary, of the Temptations hit "My Girl" which won the First prize. The following aneurism, he progressed and won a competition at the level of a city ... It was not long before they are in a professional show with Smokey Robinson in Chicago. Diana Ross the Supremes was so surprised when she heard them presented them to Motown Records.
They were very versatile, and like all kinds of music, rock and soul, Ray Charles and the Beatles. Behind them, the family can get a group of 10 members. There are two sisters, Latoya, 13, who plays clarinet and has a sister marriée Maureen, who plays the violin. The baby is Randy Jackson, who is 7, and wait to be old enough to join the band on stage.

When they get to have free time, which is very rare these days, the five brothers all love sports, especially baseball. They are rétiscents to leave their careers take them too far from home. Not because they miss school, but because they would be sad to be away from Mom's kitchen and three cats Jackson.
- Georgina Mells

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