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 Paul Williams on the MJ he had known, chairman, ASCAP

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Paul Williams on the MJ he had known, chairman, ASCAP Empty
PostSubject: Paul Williams on the MJ he had known, chairman, ASCAP   Paul Williams on the MJ he had known, chairman, ASCAP Icon_minitimeWed Jun 13, 2012 12:23 pm

“I first met Michael when he was a child, at the Tokyo Music Festival. I’d joked about wanting his tux when he outgrew it. The last time we spoke [at a social occasion], he seemed to be isolated by his celebrity; he graciously listened as an endless stream of guests made their way to his table to display their love or satisfy their curiosity. He made me think of ‘The Little Prince’ and of Salvador Dali, a rare mix of gentle spirit and exotic flair.”
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Paul Williams on the MJ he had known, chairman, ASCAP
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