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 Brian Friedman, choreographer, worked with MJ from Thriller up, 1985

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Brian Friedman, choreographer, worked with MJ from Thriller up, 1985 Empty
PostSubject: Brian Friedman, choreographer, worked with MJ from Thriller up, 1985   Brian Friedman, choreographer, worked with MJ from Thriller up, 1985 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 14, 2012 11:30 am

“Even in his most subtle moves, he forced you to watch him. No one hit as hard as he did. He’s one of the only people who could stand still for 30 seconds, a minute, and not let you look away.

Thriller, Smooth Criminal, Ghost, and Captain EO molded me as a creator. Without projects like these, I would be afraid to take the risks I do. If Michael had just described the plot of Thriller, who would’ve ever believed him? But he made it anyway and it is the most iconic video ever.

He was the first person to have technical dancers from contemporary and ballet backgrounds dancing with Pop N’ Taco. It was incredible to see him bringing the worlds together. He gave every audience member something to connect with.

At 14, I booked a job with him. At the end of the live show, I happened to be standing next to him. He put his head close to mine, pointed to the signs in the audience, and said, “I don’t understand why all these people love me.” Especially to a kid, it was so honest. He was saying “I’m normal.” It put me in a position to always stay grounded.”
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Brian Friedman, choreographer, worked with MJ from Thriller up, 1985
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