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 Michael touring South America, Promoter Dodi Sirena, president, Dcete Promotions

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michael - Michael touring South America, Promoter Dodi Sirena, president, Dcete Promotions Empty
PostSubject: Michael touring South America, Promoter Dodi Sirena, president, Dcete Promotions   michael - Michael touring South America, Promoter Dodi Sirena, president, Dcete Promotions Icon_minitimeThu Jun 14, 2012 11:40 am

Promoter Dodi Sirena presented Jackson in concert in Argentina, Chile and Brazil.
“I remember him as an extraordinary professional who was a musical genius, but who had tremendous sensibility and generosity. He showed concern for what happened in the country, with the poverty, the children in the street. He was someone who was conscious of the people. I was struck by the way he behaved the two weeks he spent here and by how happy he was. For example, he requested a camping tent to be placed in his suite. We visited a toy factory once. And one of his fans got hit by a car. The next day, he insisted on going to the hospital to see how this person was doing.”
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Michael touring South America, Promoter Dodi Sirena, president, Dcete Promotions
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