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 Michael's final concert in Durban, HIStory tour, Duncan Gibbon, strategic marketing director, Sony Music Entertainment Africa, 1998

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michael - Michael's final concert in Durban, HIStory tour, Duncan Gibbon, strategic marketing director, Sony Music Entertainment Africa, 1998 Empty
PostSubject: Michael's final concert in Durban, HIStory tour, Duncan Gibbon, strategic marketing director, Sony Music Entertainment Africa, 1998   michael - Michael's final concert in Durban, HIStory tour, Duncan Gibbon, strategic marketing director, Sony Music Entertainment Africa, 1998 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 14, 2012 11:41 am

“[I was] standing in the photographer’s pit in the front of the stage at his final concert in Durban, which has now turned out to be the last ever show he did in support of a studio album. The pit had been cleared of photographers after the first few songs and was completely empty aside from a colleague and I. Watching Michael do his dance routine from that distance utterly blew me away. You work with the albums and the songs but to see him as a performer, up-close, was staggering and I have never seen anything like it before or after.”
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Michael's final concert in Durban, HIStory tour, Duncan Gibbon, strategic marketing director, Sony Music Entertainment Africa, 1998
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