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PostSubject: Disney Books   Disney Books Icon_minitimeFri Jun 22, 2012 4:00 pm

Disney Books 01-48

Disney Books 02-38

These are among the many rare first-edition and out-of-print Disney books Jackson collected and stored in his library. “He had thousands of Disney books that he had bought, that people had given him, that Disney had given him,” Miko Brando says. “He studied and read them. He knew a lot about Disney, one of his biggest heroes.” Michael didn’t limit himself to books. “He collected everything Walt Disney fromA to Z. When we’d go to Disneyland, he’d buy a lot of souvenirs. Anything Disney, he had it.”

The Art Of Walt Disney: From Mickey Mouse To The Magic Kingdoms
Walt Disney’s Treasury of Children’s Classics
Mickey Mouse by Pierre Lambert
The Quotable Walt Disney
Discover Walt: The Magical Life of Walt Disney
Disney’s World: A Biography, by Leonard Moslev
Walt Disney: An American Original
Walt Disney: Famous Quotes
Of Mice And Magic: A History of American Animated Cartoons, by Leonard Maltin
The Updated Official Encyclopedia: Disney A to Z
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