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 1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman

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1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman Empty
PostSubject: 1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman   1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman Icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2012 10:49 am

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 01-2

Unknown Woman Accompanies Him in Hawaii, Early February 1988

Photos taken by a fan and not paparazzi, Alan Light, his description of the photos:


In early February, 1988 some friends and I were staying at the Kahala Hilton Hotel in Hawaii and learned that Michael Jackson was staying there, too. My friends and I saw him several times over a 3 day period and I snapped these photos. Michael was very nice, shy and polite. After he posed for a picture with me I thanked him, then he suggested we take another one because he said he blinked.

He and the 10-year-old boy he was traveling with were outside alone without security. Michael made the comment “I would be in trouble if they knew I was out here” which I thought was odd since he’s their boss. But I suppose he meant they would be upset.

At one point we asked him to sign an autograph but we didn’t have any paper, just a pen, so my friend asked Michael to sign a $20 bill. Michael apologized and said he couldn’t, that he would get in trouble for defacing money. So my friend dashed into the hotel and found a piece of hotel stationery which Michael signed. I still have the autograph.

Read the newspaper article I have scanned here for more details about our encounter.

Michael’s hat says “Kahala Hilton” which is the name of the hotel he and we were staying at. Today the hotel is known as the Kahala Resort

Alan Light’s notes about the pictures:

Michael Jackson, Jimmy Safechuck and an unknown woman, in white, on the grounds of the Kahala Hilton Hotel, early February, 1988. They are looking at turtles the hotel had in that pond at the time.

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 01-3

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 02-2

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 03-2

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 04-2

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 05-1

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 06-1

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 07-1

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 24x4ehj
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1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman   1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman Icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2012 11:07 am

Michael Jackson with a hotel security guard around the pool of the Kahala Hilton Hotel, early February 1988. The small boy dressed like Michael is Jimmy Safechuck, who had appeared in a Pepsi commercial with Michael and was traveling with him. The woman in white, holding her shoes, was also traveling with him. I don’t know who she is.

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman New1

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman New2
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1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman   1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman Icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2012 11:31 am

Michael Jackson, Jimmy Safechuck and an unknown whoman on the grounds of the Kahala Hilton, 2/88 – This walkway over the dolphin lagoon is no longer there. It was removed in a later renovation.

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman New1-1

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman New2-1
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Join date : 2011-12-27

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman   1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman Icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2012 12:11 pm

Michael Jackson on the balcony of his suite at the Kahala Hilton Hotel, early February 1988. The small boy dressed like Michael is Jimmy Safechuck, who had appeared in a Pepsi commercial with Michael and was traveling with him. The woman in white was also traveling with him. Michael and Jimmy were making bubbles float off into the wind with bubble-making liquid.

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 01-4

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 02-3

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 03-3

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 04-3

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 05-2

1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman 06-2
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1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman   1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman Icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2012 12:14 pm

Mike and Jimmy later snuck out at night to look at the turtles and took some pictures with fans but the woman didn’t accompany them.

I’m not positive who the unidentified woman is in some of the pictures, but I do not think it is the child’s (whose name is Jimmy Safechuck) mother. I could be wrong, but I remember being told at the time that she was an actress and may have appeared also in Pepsi commercials with Michael.

She isn’t Jimmy’s mother and she isn’t Tatiana.
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PostSubject: Re: 1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman   1988 Hawaii Unknown Woman Icon_minitime

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