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 1977 Amina Warsuma

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1977 Amina Warsuma Empty
PostSubject: 1977 Amina Warsuma   1977 Amina Warsuma Icon_minitimeSat May 05, 2012 10:18 am

At Studio 54, 1977

1977 Amina Warsuma 01-31

1977 Amina Warsuma 02-29

1977 Amina Warsuma 03-31

1977 Amina Warsuma 04-29

1977 Amina Warsuma 05-26

1977 Amina Warsuma 06-25

1977 Amina Warsuma 07-17

“Amina second from the left with scarecrow girls and Michael in Time magazine.

This picture was taken in black and white and in color by so many press photographers Amina was responsible for bringing the press in the dressing room that she shared with Michael and the other girls. Oops! she didn’t think it would make it this big! To be in Time magazine that is a big deal!”

1977 Amina Warsuma 7Rlk7

“Amina and Michael dance the night away

Amina and Michael on the cover of a news paper they were the talk of the town and all through the night Amina manages to keep up with the king of Pop”

1977 Amina Warsuma GbBTB

“Amina and Michael Jackson in Ebony Magazine History life issue Aug 2009

Amina Warsuma one of Michaels dancers second to the left smiling on her angel.”

1977 Amina Warsuma WUZ6T

Amina Warsuma worked on The Wiz with Michael Jackson. She was an original Apollo Theater fan from the the first night he auditioned and the whole week the Jackson 5 showed at the Apollo, Amina Warsuma was there with the Jacksons and hanging out with them in the back of the Apollo theater, sitting in Mr. Jackson’s Van.

Michael was a well behaved and well-mannered boy. He was 11 and Amina was 15. She and the Jackson 5 played dodgeball, volleyball and basketball in the the school yard across the street from the back of the Apollo Theater.

Amina and her friends went to all the theaters and hung out backstage with the Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5. The hooked up with Motown and Diana Ross and never came back to the Apollo. Amina went to Europe and became a top internation fashion model, dancer, and actress. Little did Amina know that ten years later she would be reunited with Michael Jackson on The Wiz and she was with him every night at Studio 54 dancing the night away. Amina also auditioned and got hired as one of Michael Jackson’s scarecrow girls to promote his album Going Places, which was released by CBS. Amina and Michael danced on the floor together at Studio 54. The press went wild and her pictures with Michael were all over the newspapers and in the magazines. Michael was very good to Amina Warsuma so she tells the stories of her and Michael Jackson’s adventures in New York and at Studio 54. She feels the song “Get On The Floor” was about her because she would get on the floor and dance with Michael at Studio 54. She got a chance to work with and dance with one of the greatest Entertainers in the World. At Studio 54 is where she met Janet, Katherine, and Latoya for the first time. Michael was a part of her fate and she regrets the loss because she has a first hand account of Mr. Jackson and Michael and his family and the happiness they brought her and Michael was very good to her and gave her a lot of happiness and she will never forget him. If you look through the archives you will probably find newspaper clippings of Amina and Michael. She was his scarecrow woman and muse and she will never forget Michael Jackson. She also dances with Liza Minnelli at the Paris Versalle. Those pictures were in Vogue.

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