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 Judith Hill, June 2009

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Judith Hill, June 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Judith Hill, June 2009   Judith Hill, June 2009 Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2012 6:30 am

Billy: There were some glimpses in the movie of michael’s sense of humor. Did you uh get that sense in rehearsals? I mean, sometimes he would just… you know, let out the air of the tire a little bit.

Judith: Yeah, he loves to laugh. He likes to clown around. I thought that was a lot of fun. I remember he….

Billy: What put the biggest smile on your face in the movie?

Judith: Um, you know, I had this huge hair going on at one point. They had added some stuff and …… it was an attempted Diana Ross moment, but like on steroids. It was crazy. And um we had to throw on these grim reaper hoods for “Thriller”, the singers, and I was like the conehead grim reaper because my hood was completely filled out cause of my hair! And michael just looked over and started laughing, he was just like… he kinda went like this (puts hands together and bows) “God bless you”.
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Judith Hill, June 2009
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