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 Donny Osmond Enchants Fans With Tales of Michael Jackson

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PostSubject: Donny Osmond Enchants Fans With Tales of Michael Jackson   jackson - Donny Osmond Enchants Fans With Tales of Michael Jackson Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2012 10:21 am

Donny Osmond appeared on The Dr. Phil Show on February 8, 2012 and he enchanted fans with tales and stories about his good pal, Michael Jackson. The talented singer has been a star for almost five decades and he talked openly about his childhood, career, triumphs, and struggles. The candid interview was an intimate look at Donny Osmond and how he has survived unimaginable highs and crushing lows throughout a long lived career.

During an interesting chat with Dr. Phil, Donny Osmond explained that he and Michael Jackson met and became friends when they were both 13 years old. After presenting an American Music Award together, the two decided that they were hungry, so they piled into Donny’s limo and ordered tacos from a nearby Jack in the Box. The two opened the moon roof, stood up and enjoyed their tacos while cruising the Sunset Strip. “That’s one of my best memories of Michael. We both laughed our heads off,” Donny told Dr. Phil.

Michael Jackson and Donny Osmond remained friends throughout the years. In 1988 [?], the two met up and Michael played a demo of “Thriller” for Donny, who instantly knew it would be a huge hit. Because his own career was floundering, Osmond asked his pal for some advice to get it back on track. Michael Jackson advised Donny to change his name because it was poison and squeaky clean. Interestingly enough, Osmond released his album “Soldier of Love” with no name attached to it. It was a hit and months later Donny revealed his identity. That album got Donny’s derailed career back on track.
Donny Osmond revealed interesting parallels between his life and Michael Jackson's life.
Both teen idols were very young when they were pushed to the forefront with big expectations.
Both families had nine children.
Donny and Michael were the 7th child in their respective families.
Donny and Michael's mothers share the same birthdays.
Michael’s mom plays the clarinet, Donny’s mom played the sax.
The two child stars had so much in common that they remained friends throughout their lives. Donny Osmond was crushed when he learned about his friend’s death. He said to Dr. Phil, “When he went off to superstardom, the pressures of the business got to him.”

Source: http://www.examiner.com/article/donny-osmond-enchants-fans-with-tales-of-michael-jackson-video

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