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 Maria Peckey Meets Michael 2003

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Join date : 2011-12-27

Maria Peckey Meets Michael 2003 Empty
PostSubject: Maria Peckey Meets Michael 2003   Maria Peckey Meets Michael 2003 Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2012 4:39 am

Maria Peckey Meets Michael 2003 25zl56q

August 2003- Maria Peckey was thrilled when her daughter, pictured, got to meet Michael Jackson on his 45th Birthday. Patricia who suffers from lung problem, asked the Make a Wish Foundation for the chance to meet MJ. Peckey and her daughter celebrated Michael's birthday at his Neverland Ranch, where they visited his dressing room, enjoyed a concert and watched videos on his personal movie theater. "Michael Jackson is a wonderful human being, an amazing person to talk to." says Peckley.
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