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 Michael Jackson's Nurse in 1984 Shares Her Stories of Michael in the Hospital

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Michael Jackson's Nurse in 1984 Shares Her Stories of Michael in the Hospital Empty
PostSubject: Michael Jackson's Nurse in 1984 Shares Her Stories of Michael in the Hospital   Michael Jackson's Nurse in 1984 Shares Her Stories of Michael in the Hospital Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2012 9:27 am

Kathy was a Intensive Care Nurse at Brothrotmen Medical Center, the Center where Michael Jackson was admitted when he suffered burn injuries to his head during the making the a Pepsi Commercial in 1984. Kathy, being a fan of Michael Jackson, did not expect that Michael Jackson was going to be one of her patients. Jackson was placed in a private room, room number 3307. As Kathy McGrath, 29 at the time, quoted in The February, 1984 issue of People’s Magazine about Michael Jackson when he suffered burn injuries to his head: “He was still pretty shaken up and cold, so we put about five blankets on him.”

“He was at the height of his career. Being his nurse was an awesome and honorable experience as his music touched me all my life”, said McGrath. Kathy also emphasized one important fact; “As awesome and honorable it was that Michael Jackson was my patient, regardless of him being a celebrity, I automatically went into Nurse Mode. It was important that he had a private room to allow me to care for him and his burn injuries appropriately without interruptions. It is a challenge when giving medical care to burn victims as burn victims can also have other complications related to burn injuries. My job was to make sure all my patients received immediate, top and best medical care, including Michael.”
Instead of a typical hospital gown, he had adorned himself in a turquoise scrub outfit. The nurses also fashioned a head bandage that could be camouflaged with a macramé hat. "You're going to start a new wave here in 1984—the net look," nurse told Michael. "He laughed and said he wanted to look French."

Nurse Kathy recalled MJ visiting Keith Perry, a 23-year-old mechanic who had suffered third-degree burns on 95 percent of his body. Perry had just undergone his 14th operation when Michael arrived and was placed in an adjoining room. Another severely burned patient with whom he had been in frequent contact was 41-year-old seamstress Bessie Henderson. "Bessie had gone through many operations and was very depressed, When Michael started calling she turned around and now she is doing a lot better."

Michael cared about Keith and Bessie and many others who were being treated for burns”, said McGrath.

Turning the photos over is where I read in Michael Jackson’s hand writing to Kathy McGrath:
“Thank You, I Love You – Michael Jackson"

There is a message Kathy McGrath wants to give to the Jackson family. That message is: “My heart and prayers goes out to the entire Jackson Family for the loss of Michael. No matter what, they are a family and family comes first.”

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