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 Orlando Salon Was Secret Stop For Michael Jackson

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PostSubject: Orlando Salon Was Secret Stop For Michael Jackson   jackson - Orlando Salon Was Secret Stop For Michael Jackson Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 3:28 am

jackson - Orlando Salon Was Secret Stop For Michael Jackson 205442_195477087156918_110570722314222_437392_3472091_a

Michael Jackson was a frequent client of an Orlando hair salon. The owner would sneak him in late at night when he came to Orlando to visit Disney.

"When Mike first started visiting, he was little quiet. He didn't have much to say," Plinnie Thompson said.
The King of Pop wanted his privacy and Rudy's & Plinnie's Beauty Center on South Orange Blossom Trail helped make sure he got it.

"That's Rudy. That's Michael. That's my son. That's me," Plinnie said as he showed off photos.

Plinnie knew Michael Jackson better than most in Central Florida. For about five years, back in the 80s, he did the pop legend's hair every time he came to town.
"That's Michael Jackson's chair," Plinnie said, pointing out one of the barber seats.

When Michael walked in, he was treated like everyone else and paid the same price as everyone else. He sat down in the chair to get his hair washed and the cost for a Jheri curl was $65
Michael Jackson's death hit Plinnie like a ton of bricks.

"I was devastated," he said. "First, I really didn't believe it."

When Plinnie showed up for work Friday, all he could do was reminisce on the good times he had with his old friend.

"I used to ask him about the tabloids and he would tell me he didn't know about most of that stuff until he read it," Plinnie said.
Plinnie said he had to sneak Michael in his shop after hours and he always treated the King of Pop like another customer.

"Here he didn't run into that problem at all. He got all the privacy he wanted," Plinnie said about how the salon never disclosed the relationship
In return, Michael bought the salon one of the first ever VCR-TV combos. He also gave them an autographed poster.

"He's a wonderful person and he's going to be missed. It's a shame. He's really going to be missed," Plinnie said
Source: wftv news
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