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 Teen Star Magazine Interview 1972

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Teen Star Magazine Interview 1972 Empty
PostSubject: Teen Star Magazine Interview 1972   Teen Star Magazine Interview 1972 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 02, 2012 12:53 am

Teen Star Magazine Interview 1972

Q: Michael, your fans want to know your ideas about a first date!

MJ: On a first date, I like to bring a girl over to my house for a barbeque and a swim, especially on a warm summery evening! I know that some chicks get mad if you don't take them somewhere fancy and spend alot of money on them on a date, but I'm not interested in those kinds of girls. I want someone who I can feel comfortable with just sitting and talking to, or sharing a fun, casual time with! I'm not sayin' that we wouldn't ever go out. I love to go out to movies, concerts, and restaurants, but I think it's important to know one another on a first date, and you can't if you go to watch somethin' all night!

Q: Are you a 'gentleman' on a date?

MJ: I never gave it much thought. Opening doors for girls is something that I just do automatically without thinking, like scratchin' my head when it itches! When you're taught all your life to do polite things for girls, you just can't forget it! It's second nature to you, like breathing or tapping your feet to music!

Q: How do you feel about kissing on a first date?

MJ: I can dig it! I think that if you dig a chick enough to ask her out, you're crazy if you don't want to kiss her. And, if she accepted the date, she likes you and probably wants to be kissed. So, I couldn't think of any reason why you shouldn't! I think I'd like to wait 'till the end of the date before I kissed her, though! I think most girls are afraid you're comin' on too fast if you kiss them right away. But, if I could tell that chick I was with was just waitin' to be kissed, I wouldn't mess around wastin' time! I'd take her in my arms, bend her face back to rest on the back of her seat, and slowly lean toward her, gazin' into her eyes and talking in a slow, smooth voice. Then, I'd press my lips against hers, gently at first, then harder and harder until we're both lost in a soul kiss of true love.

Q: How do you feel about honesty between a guy and a girl?

MJ: I think that bein' honest with one another is important when you're gettin' serious with a chick, and don't want to have her goin' out with other guys. You have to be loyal and true to one another, or your love will never last! But, when you're dating lots of chicks, and the chicks you date go with other guys, honesty isn't so important. Don't get me wrong, though! I don't think lyin' to someone is ever a good or a smart thing to do! But, as long as you haven't made any promises to each other, you have the right to keep some things for yourself! For instance, if you've been dating a chick on and off and she dates other guys, and she asks you where you were when she phoned your house and didn't get an answer, I don't think it's any of her business to know you were out with a different girl! I don't think I have the right to pry into her life either!
Q: What would you do if you fell in love with a girl who was going steady with someone else?

MJ: Well, if I knew from the beginning that she was going with another guy, I probably wouldn't date her, no matter how much I wanted to! But, if I didn't know she was going steady, and I found out after I fell in love with her, I think I'd be pretty mad! Even if I thought that she didn't do it to be cruel, and was just too scared to tell him her true feelin's, I think I'd tell her in a kind, understanding way, to figure out what she was gonna do, and come back after she'd done it.

Q: Michael, what do you admire in others?

MJ: I admire people who are really dedicated to their music and to entertaining people! That's why I admire Sammy Davis Jr, and hope to be like him when I grow up! He's a super professional, who puts a spell over his audience like some kind of magician. Singin' and dancin' his heart out to give his audience a thrill they'll never forget. It takes many years to get like that, and that's my goal.

Q: What is the one thing you dislike in a person?

MJ: I guess it's conceited, snobbish people that really bother me! Some people are very egotistical, and think they're better than everyone else! They're always talkin' about themselves, and can't listen to you when you're trying to tell them something about yourself. They keep looking around to see if someone's lookin' at them, instead of looking directly at you, listening to what you're sayin'! It's like talking to a stone wall. When I meet a chick like that, I just turn off right away!

Q: Here's a hard question - what one thing in your personality would you change if you could?

MJ: Well, my Mom says that I'm a procrastinator, which means that I put off things I don't want to do. I know that it's better to get things out of the way as soon as you can, like cleaning your room, or doing your chores but sometimes I have a hard time gettin' around to them and keep putting them off!

MJ Tidbits in 1972:

Height: 4'11
Weight: 80lbs
Fave colors: orange and red
Fave food: barbeque beef sandwiches (he's changed just a bit)
Fave drink: milk
Fave desert: apple pie
Fave hobby: drawing
Fave animals: dogs and horses
Fave movie: The Great White Hope
Fave instrument: drums and piano
Fave group: The Supremes
Fave sports: swimming and basketball
Fave TV Show: Hawaii 5-0
Fave clothes: wild print shirts, caps, and bell bottom pants
Fave J5 Song: I'll Be There
Fave Male Singers: Sammy Davis Jr and Lou Rawls
Fave Female Singer: Diana Ross
Fave saying: Right on!
Fave clothes for girls: Shar lookin' pant suits (heaven forbid)
Fave vacation spot: Yosemite National Park

In the magazine, fans were voting for their favorite teen star as president. Here were Michael's campaign promises:

One promise I'll make for you for sure is that if I win STAR Magazine's Superstar of '72 election, I'm gonna be so happy that I'll grab you wherever and whenever we meet, and give you a big kiss to thank you for bein' my fan and for giving me your vote! I always like to show my fans that I dig them and appreciate all they've done for me by holdin' their hand and lookin' right in their eyes as I talk to them (MJ is such a pimp)! When a chick takes the time and trouble to come see me, no matter where I am or how busy I am, I'm gonna do all I can so that when she leaves she'll really feel that it was worth her while! Here are my promises:

Promise Number One: Whether or not I win the title Superstar of '72, I'm going to continue to work even harder at putting together an exciting show (like learning to play the piano!), so that when you come to see us sing and dance, you'll remember our show all your life!

Promise Number Two: I promise that we'll try to make our concert costumes real 'baaad' (future foreshadowing) and foxy to keep you turned on! And I want you to send me any J-5 costume ideas you might have!

Promise Number Three: I promise to bring lots of personally autographed pictures of the J-5 on the road with me, so that when I see you in concert, you'll have something to really remember us by!

Promise Number Four: To love and cherish each of my sweet-faced fans forever
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