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 Ray Charles on Michael, Jun 27, 1985

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Ray Charles on Michael, Jun 27, 1985 Empty
PostSubject: Ray Charles on Michael, Jun 27, 1985   Ray Charles on Michael, Jun 27, 1985 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 14, 2012 11:30 am

“Of course, I’ve known Michael Jackson for years. I still haven’t met Prince who didn’t participate in the recording. I guess he’s great for the young people. However musically I’m too old for him. I can’t relate to it. Michael is a completely different story. He performs with more feeling, real soul, from the heart. When I hear Michael sing She’s Out of My Life I want to cry.”

Apr 15, 1990

The musicians Charles does admire include Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Barbra Streisand, Gladys Knight, even Michael Jackson.

“I like music with a lot of feeling, from the gut. I’m into that real, sure enough soulful thing. Now when Michael Jackson sings, I’m into him. He has a light voice, but what he puts into it has a lot of soul.”
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Ray Charles on Michael, Jun 27, 1985
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