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 A fan who met Michael at Disneyland, 90s

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michael - A fan who met Michael at Disneyland, 90s Empty
PostSubject: A fan who met Michael at Disneyland, 90s   michael - A fan who met Michael at Disneyland, 90s Icon_minitimeThu Jun 14, 2012 11:39 am

i saw michael jackson once at disneyland and it was kind of funny. i was waiting outside the restrooms for my friend and i saw a bunch of people in black walk out of the mens room. then michael came out and i recognized him because his skin was so pale. he looked angelic almost and he was taller than he looks in photos with cartoon-like proportions. i gave him a big smile and he gave me a big smile right back. he was patient when i started typing on my dynavox and i told him i didn’t believe any of those nasty news stories about him and that i love his music(and i really very much do). he said ‘oh thank you so much.’ and bent over to give me a big hug. he felt so small even under a winter coat. then he signed my park map pamphlet before i even asked and winked at me with a ‘see you around, beautiful’ as he walked away. i can’t ever forget how he looked sad until i told him i didn’t think he was guilty and hope for a minute it made him feel like the whole world doesn’t condemn him. my friend who was in the bathroom got a picture of us and he is kneeling down looking up at me, it is so sweet.

the autograph and picture means even more to me now that michael is gone. i would share it except i don’t feel comfortable posting my image online.

sorry about the ramble. that memory is very dear to me Smile
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A fan who met Michael at Disneyland, 90s
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