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 Michael's finger snapping, Harvey Mason, Jr., producer who worked on Jackson's "Invincible" album

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michael - Michael's finger snapping, Harvey Mason, Jr., producer who worked on Jackson's "Invincible" album Empty
PostSubject: Michael's finger snapping, Harvey Mason, Jr., producer who worked on Jackson's "Invincible" album   michael - Michael's finger snapping, Harvey Mason, Jr., producer who worked on Jackson's "Invincible" album Icon_minitimeThu Jun 14, 2012 11:42 am

“I remember how he would snap his fingers while cutting background vocals. As we stacked the snaps, they were so tight it sounded like a gunshot. Unfortunately we had to take them out one by one as they would overpower the sound of the snare drum.”
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Michael's finger snapping, Harvey Mason, Jr., producer who worked on Jackson's "Invincible" album
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