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 Stories About Michael The Flirt

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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 5:46 am

Beverly Johnson, OtW Magazine, 1989

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Snippet 1.

On July 8th, Motown threw a big party for Diana Ross in California to welcome her tour there which opened on July 4th. Though the party was for Diana, Michael Jackson ended up being the talk of the night when he turned up with his date for the evening, supermodel Beverly Johnson (who appears in Jackson’s Liberian Girl video). The LA Times reviewed the party – one quote said: “Michael never let Beverly’s hand go all-night. Could this be true love?”
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 5:46 am

Bachelor Pad, OtW Magazine, 1989

Snippet 2.

Did you know? Michael owns a private bachelor pad in LA which he uses exclusively to entertain female friends
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PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 5:47 am

Rebbie Jackson in Katherine's Bio 1990

“If Michael were married, the gay rumor would stop immediately. But the press doesn’t see him with many women, not taking into account the fact that he’s a workaholic. Also, with his eyes and his complexion and the fact that he wears make-up before the camera and onstage, he comes off to the press as looking sort of feminine.

But just being around him and hearing the little things that he says about women tell me he’s definitely not homosexual.”
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 5:54 am

Jodi Gomes, Executive Producer of the Jackson Family Dynasty show on her facebook, 4th May 2010, (Set of B/W 1991)

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Jodi Gomes: Leave him alone! MJ NOT gay. A private gentlemen! flirtatious too. I met him on set Black/White. so gracious, he let me hug him for an eternity, while whispering naughty silly things in my ear! Watch MJ’s words “I’m not gay”

He infact was quite flirtatious & could catch u off guard with humor. about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

Jodi Gomes on facebook, about meeting MJ during Dangerous recording sessions 1990-1991

I was a young TV producer recording/mixing Voice-over for an animated Nickelodeon series in the early 90’s. We booked a room weeks in advance, but the day of our session were told a client rented the entire facility. Of course, lil miss ambitious, I was beside myself. I pleaded with the management to let us use one room for just an hour, because it was a nightmare rescheduling the child actors. He reluctantly asked the client – and to my surprise the client obliged with two caveats: (1) I had to describe the characters that the kids were voicing – and – I happily did (inaccurately of course because I thought a competitor was in the other room stealing my idea! After all, this is Hollywood!); and (2) we would have to record in the smallest room, of which, the client had equipment and items stored, which we could not touch.

At the end of my rope, I agreed, and got to work. BUT… the room had a smell that we’ll just say, “had the funk of 40,000 years”. There were damp, sweaty, musty, funky, moldy T-shirts & clothes hidden behind a couch in the room. Piled high. Well – this was just too much! I carried on like a fool with the manager, who snickered with laughter. I went on & on about hygiene, “we’re a paying customer too” type stuff – and “you have the nerve to have a large client’s equipment stored in here with this nasty sh*t”.

GOD’S INTERVENTION: Bruce Swedien walks by. Then Michael Jackson walks by during my rant – of course I shut the heck up and showed respect because I was clearly enamored. We’d met previously and he recognized my face, gave me a huge flirtatious hug and mischievous smile. We exchanged a “where do I know you from” story and had a big laugh about something I can barely remember now.

SIDE NOTE: MJ had a way of making you feel like you knew him for 100 years, and eased your nerves about how HUGE he was.

He said, “so you’re the one recording the animation project?” I said yes and exchanged, “so you’re the big client keeping me out of this joint”. Again, we laughed. He was soooo curious about the animation project and voice over. With the ice broken, I called myself giving the King of Pop a heads up. I informed him that there were DISGUSTING, STANKY clothes in the room where he was storing equipment. He was shocked. He was embarrassed. He wanted to see it.

Again, the management smiled a funny smirk and led us to the room. I was being over dramatic covering my nose, preparing for the stench, and of course still carrying on. MJ kept teasing me & laughing, “oh girl stop, it’s can’t be that bad”… and before I could show him where the clothes were hidden, he went right over to the pile!!! He pulled them out and instructed manager to take HIS clothes away! Apparently, Michael liked to dance his little skinny butt off in between recording, and be drenched with sweat. He’d change clothes, and go back to recording…this went on for days! There was no equipment stored in the room – just his clothing. After complete embarrassment and a million apologies from me, he burst out with this huge laugh and said, “my brothers and I used to say, if it don’t stink – it aint funky”. He gave me a big hug and whispered to me, just don’t tell my Mother. I think that album went on to be “Dangerous” – and it definitely was funky!
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 5:57 am

Smith Wordes and Michael

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Smith Wordes, dancer for Michael in Smooth Criminal

Kathy Griffin during one of her comedy shows

“First of all, you should know that I met him once.

Did you know that I was an extra in the famous Pepsi commercial where his hair caught on fire? It was 1984, I got $40, I was a paid extra, that was my job.

So, then years later I got to meet him very briefly. I met him in a room, I met him with a girl named Smith, this girl who’s a dancer and she had danced with him in the “Smooth Criminal” video, so he knew her very well.

So we were in a room, and he came in, he was taller than you would think, I didn’t think he was that tall, and I will say though that when I looked at him just a couple of feet away, like, I remember telling myself over and over, don’t stare at his face…

So anyway, alright here’s my Michael Jackson story. It’s not like comedy but I can only tell you that I only said “Hi” to him, I didn’t get to talk to him, but I got to watch him talk to this girl he knew really well.

And you want to know something weird, when he was talking to her, it was a small room, only five people, no cameras or nothing, he didn’t have that voice at all. Like he wasn’t like (*makes high pitched noises*).

I couldn’t believe it! Like, here’s Michael Jackson, looking the way you expect him to look, talking to this girl, he’s like “Hey what’s going on? You look good.” I couldn’t fucking believe it. I was like ‘what the?’ ‘who?’ ‘where’s the weird guy?’ So, like weird body, normal voice.”
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 6:01 am

Cece Peniston, Keenan Ivory Wayans Show (in 1997)

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Cece talked about the time that Michael had sent her flowers and a note saying that he liked her song at that time and that he thought that she was pretty.
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 6:04 am

Iman, Daily Express, Feb 20 1992

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“We had to act out the kissing scene on Remember The Time three times and if Michael had anything to do with it, we would still be filming it,” she said, shrieking with laughter.

“He really got into it. I told him: ‘You know you’re paying me to do this! You know I’m an engaged woman!’ He thought that was very funny.”

“He’s a shy man but he has a great sense of humour. He mingled with everyone on the shoot and I was amazed how easy he was to be with.”
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 6:11 am

Madonna and Michael, Joe Mantegna, talking about the filming of MJ’s Pepsi Commercial, sometime May 4th -22nd, 1992

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Joe Mantegna who worked on a commercial with Madonna in 1992 remembers that Michael was also working on a commercial in a studio nearby. He said that Madonna walked in and Michael was telling him something like, “You know Madonna can be naughty, a bad girl. Sometimes she needs to be spanked.” He hadn’t realized Madonna was standing right behind him.

“Director Joe Pytka tells US she [Madonna] visited him [Michael Jackson] on the set of an ad once: “They hung out for a while. It was a big surprise!”
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 6:18 am

With Lisa Marie, November 1992

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According to Brett Livingstone, when Michael was about to leave, he offered Lisa a penetrating look and in a conspiratorial voice said, “You and me, we could get into a lot of trouble. Think about that, girl.”
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 6:21 am

Becky Barksdale, lead guitarist for Michael during the Dangerous World Tour

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Barksdale recalled a concert, in a town she can’t remember, where she got an unexpected surprise from the Man in the Mirror.

It was during Jackson’s mega-hit Beat It, as she ripped through the Eddie Van Halen riffs made famous on MTV. Concentrating on the song, Barksdale was paying attention to little else.

“I came out front with him and we were dancing around and playing guitar, and he was right next to me,” she said, encouraging fans to visit her website to look for photos of the two together. “We never really had any contact with each other. We’re doing the show, night after night after night. One night, I think we were in Buenes Aires, or Chile, I can’t remember which … I had my eyes shut and I’m playing guitar, doing a guitar solo. All of a sudden I feel something on my butt.

I was like, ‘Oh my God, some crazed fan had somehow gotten past security and was on stage. But he was just having fun with me. I turned around and I saw that it was him, and my jaw dropped. And the drummer, I think he skipped a beat because he was laughing so hard,” said Barksdale, who beat out hundreds of other guitarists in a closed audition to win the right to stand on stage with Jackson during the tour.

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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 6:24 am

Jane Pratt, Editor of Sassy Magazine, Conan 1995

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Jane: The truth is actually he’s very different from any perception that I’ve had of him before. He’s incredible. I mean, I defend him to anybody because he’s wonderful. He’s sweet, he’s nice, he’s also incredibly macho. Now I know that’s not really a thing you think of but he is. (audience laughs, Conan gives the audience a look) I had the biggest crush on him.
Conan: I didn’t say anything. I just looked at my sympathy camera. Like seriously, he’s really macho? Moving a refrigerator a lot when he was there? Let me move that thing.
Jane: Okay, he’s a flirt for one thing. Is Lisa Marie going to come and like deck me?
Conan: No.
Jane: He’s a flirt and he’s the kind of person who notices if your drink needs refilling or if you’re cold he’ll come and bring you a jacket…
Conan: Did you get the jacket afterwards?
Jane:(laughing) No.
Conan: He’s wealthy, he should let you keep the jacket.
Jane: I know, but he gave me some tee shirts. He did give me some tee shirts. Cookies with Neverland Ranch on them.
Conan: Great a cookie and a tee shirt. Well, alright he’s very macho, this is all very different.
Jane: Yeah, he’s very very different than anything I’ve ever heard around before and much more normal than anything that’s ever been portrayed.
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 7:21 am

Playing with hair dresser Janet Zeuiton's shirt/bra straps, set of Stranger in Moscow, 1996

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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 7:28 am

Stacey McKenzie, Ghosts Premiere May 1997

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Stacey interview

I was so blessed to have the opportunity to meet the KING himself. I will never forget that moment for the rest of my life. I was chosen to attend The Fifth Element premier at the Cannes Film Festival as Jean Paul Gautiers’ date, the next day Mr. Gautier informed me that we were invited to attend the premier for Michaels video “Ghosts”. I brought my disposable camera (yes people DISPOSABLE) and took my seat in the 2nd row centre. Soon there was a lot of mayhem, people jumped out of their seats running to get a picture with Michael who was being swarmed by mad security. The security escorted Mr. Jackson to his seat and I almost had a heart attack, it was right in the front row centre behind me!

Once he settled in and the lights went dim, I began to tap him on his shoulder, he would turn around and smile, then speaking in his low boy like voice he said to me,”Hi pretty, are you having a good time?” I couldn’t speak but I was snapping away with my disposable camera. Through out the night, I tapped him quite a few more times and took quite a few more pictures, each and every time he would laugh asking if “I was enjoying myself.” After the premiere, he was willing to take a picture with me, while about to do so a crowd of people rushed him and he had to leave immediately due to security reasons. The last time I saw Mr. Jackson was while he was being taken away from beside me, the last thing he said to me was,”I’m sorry pretty girl, I hope you still had fun”. That was the day I met the KING and I continue to cherish it to this very sad day.
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 7:34 am

Chili, TLC, meeting him in the 90s

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Chilli continues to look for love on her reality show “What Chili Wants”, the singer/songwriter might have found it already had it not been for the untimely death of Michael Jackson.

The Atlanta songstress hosted an exclusive pajama party this week at Darp Studios where guests viewed her TV show and listened to details of her private life.

Included in the convo was talk about Michael Jackson who according to Chili was her “husband.”

She tells the ladies, “Don’t nobody talk about Mike…that is my husband. We kissed twice on the lips, thank you…The first time I met Michael Jackson we hugged. He was not going for the lips at first…he went here and I went like that, I got half the lips…The last time I was around him he grabbed my face and said, “I know that face!”…He grabbed me and kissed me right on the lips.”

She also adds that while she’s not “easy”, she would have been a “sure thing” for the King of Pop.

“Y’all know I don’t be kissing people like that but I woulda tongued him down…and I’m not easy girl but I woulda been a sure thing.”
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 7:37 am

Foxy Brown, Later With Cynthia Garrett, late 90s

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Michael called her up out of the blue and kept telling her she was beautiful, and kept calling her Foxy. She said she didn’t feel pretty until he said that.
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 7:40 am

Mariah Carey, Seoul, Kosovo Concerts, June 1999

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“My Friend Michael” by Frank Cascio

After the concert, I was standing backstage with Michael when Mariah Carey, who had just performed, appeared with her boyfriend at the time – the Mexican singer Luis Miguel. Luis and I chatted about soccer – he initially thought I was from Spain because at the time my orange hair matched their team colors (I can’t explain the hair. I have no idea what I was thinking) – while Michael and Mariah talked. They were debating who sang it better: the song was I’ll Be There and both the 1970 Jackson 5 version and the version Mariah did twenty two years later with Trey Lorenz had been No 1 hit singles.

“Michael,” insisted Mariah, smiling from ear to ear, “No one could ever sing that song better than you.” A blush swept over Michael’s cheeks.

“No, no,” he blurted out. “Really, you did a better job.”

Mariah seemed honored to be in Michael’s presence – she was acting like a dazzled fan – and as the two stars chatted, I noticed the smile leave Luis Miguel’s face, and I got the impression that he was slightly annoyed at the attention Mariah was giving Michael. I myself was a little surprised to see Mariah, who was such a successful singer in her own right, appear so awed by Michael, but in the years to come I would see many stars behave that way in his presence.

Turning toward me, Mariah asked Michael, “Who’s your friend? He’s so cute.” She started rubbing my (inexplicably) orange hair.

“Please don’t stop,” I said, leaning into hair like a puppy.

“Frank, stop,” interrupted Michael. “Mariah doesn’t want to rub your head. God knows what you’ve got in there.”

Luis Miguel looked a little awkward and perplexed, standing there waiting in his skintight suit. I couldn’t help it. I pulled out my favorite routine [of giving people flattering comments about things he didn't really like]. “I love your suit,” I told him.

Michael mumbled, “Stop,” but I was under the sway of an irresistible impulse.

“What brand is it?” I asked. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Michael was trying not to laugh.

Luis Miguel mumbled a designer brand, but he wasn’t smiling. He definitely didn’t like the heading rubbing or the friendly flirting between Mariah and Michael.

As they said goodbye, Michael seized the moment to exact a bit of revenge. He said to Mariah, “Frank’s a big fan of yours and has a massive crush on you.” I turned red. Did I have a crush on her? I ask myself now. I really don’ know, but I do recall thinking she was sexy.

After Mariah and Luis left, Michael and I teased each other about Mariah. Michael told me I wouldn’t know what to do with her if she were in my bed, and I retorted that if he was given a chance with her, he’d probably ask her to play video games or watch cartoons. He said, “Shut up, Frank,” in a funny way, and we both started laughing.
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 7:43 am

Patti Boulaye, Uri Geller's Wedding, March 2001

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Patti’s interview

“When we met at Uri Geller’s wedding that was the first time Michael began to tease me about looking like Diana Ross. He’d turn around and look at me in that naughty way and go, (singing) “Ain’t no mountain high enough.” And I’d go, “Michael!” He’d just laugh and giggle and go, “Patti, you look just like Diana – there must be a throwback! She must come from your family.” I said “I don’t think so! I don’t think so at all. (laughing)”

There was this kind of energy and it was Michael’s energy. Nobody else – the only person I’ve come across with that kind of effect was the Pope, really.”
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PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 7:44 am

Friend on myspace, 2000

By this time I was about 20 and we had much more to talk about. I’ll never forget the first thing he asked me was about my aunt. He had a thing for my Aunt J in the 80′s. She was ten years older than him and about 100 pounds heavier than him. She had always been pretty big and curvacious, most of her weight settling towards her lower body. It cracked me up that after all that time he was still checking for her. My mother had always told me that she thought Michael was some kind of undercover freak. He tried to be a shy boy in his younger days but he often got caught stealing some peeks. As she says, she thinks Michael was an “ass man.”

We caught up over the phone. He never failed to remind me of what a “pretty woman” I had grown up to be. He also never hesitated to bring up my childhood (and adulthood lol) crushes on Jermaine and Jackie. The Michael I was talking to was no “freak” and he surely wasnt weird. In fact he was way more normal than me. We called each other for the next few years and chatted about this and that. He was the same ol Michael to me. I started to think about making him pay my phone bill because he liked to talk…A LOT.

The Michael that people read about and see on TV was not the real Michael. They portray him to be some weird, quiet, asexual, virgin hermit that he’s not. Michael Joseph Jackson was one of the most flirtatious men I’ve ever encountered. It always throws me that people think he’s asexual or even gay. Michael loves women. Period. Black women, big women, little women, white women, tall women, short women…all women. No woman could be safe around the King of Pop. As shy as he was, he never hesitated to place his hands on my hips or stare at different women. He would be embarrassed to be caught taken a peak at cleavage or a booty. It was always a good laugh catching Mike glancing at someone’s assets. I saw him with different women over the years and I can be a witness to him being very much hetero.

We would get together and drink a little. We chatted about everything under the sun and laughed about everything. No one can make me laugh the way Michael did. He liked to joke about his bad luck with women. Some of the best laughter I’ve ever had was hearing him drop an f-bomb every now and then or his face when I made him dance with me to In The Closet. There was never a quiet dull moment around him. He allowed me to steal kisses from him and playfully tug at his clothes. I’d let him sneak a kiss in and I wouldnt bust him out for feeling up my thigh. I would never pass up the chances I got to get the famous MJ hugs. He has the best hugs in the world. But our relationship was never anything but platonic with a bit of the good ol Jackson flirtation.
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PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 7:49 am

Invincible Signing, New York, November 2001

An older woman approaches the table to have her CD signed and MJ says “hi” to her than as she leaves he says, “elderly fish.”

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(girl wearing a crop top and wearing a navel ring approaches Michael, Michael gestures and asks to bring her closer, he studies her belly button)

MJ: How does that work? Does it hurt?

After Michael gives the girl a hug, the man wearing grey next to Michael says: Do I see something sticking out?

MJ: You naaasty!

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The girl the BG were talking about in the tight white top approaches the table to have her CD signed and the security guard grins at MJ, raises his eyebrows at him and says “I’ll say no more.”

The girl says “Hi” then after she’s had her CD signed she leaves and MJ starts laughing and one of the security guards says “You dirty dog!”

Security Guard 1: “Got a *something* a little while away”

Security Guard 2: “The one with the white top, oh yeah *inaudible*.”

Michael: “Is she hot?”

Guy having his CD signed by MJ swivels his head to look around for the same girl

Security Guard 1: “Oh yeah, she looks amazing.”
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PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 7:51 am

Michael visiting Gary Indiana, June 11 2003

Fans follow the limo and a female fan with large breasts presses up against the glass of the limo as it leaves

MJ: “There’s some GOOD fish!”

MJ: (looking back at the crowd) “There’s some gooooood fish back there! Ooh! That one right there!”

Karen Faye: (laughing) “Oh look at that one right there! Look at her! Look!”

MJ: “Look at her titties! (laughing) Her titties are going… (makes bouncing motion)”

Further along,

MJ: (watching people still following the limo) “Tell the police to be gentle with those girls, do not be mean – (points at girl) I like that one right there.”

Cousin: “Me too.”
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PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 10:07 am

P. Diddy on Michael hollering and dancing with Beyonce, 2001 Party

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Diddy: Security they come over to me and they say, Mr Coombs: “Mr Michael Jackson is here to see you.” I’m like, ‘Get out of here’. So I go over, I find Mike and I’m like: “Mike what’s up, what you doing here? Thanks for coming.” So I get him a booth, we go to the booth, we start chit-chatting. (reffering to photo) Bring that up so they can see. See, he has his arm around me but you don’t see the shot of him whispering in my ear right after the shot was taken, he whispers in my ear, he says (soft voice immitating MJ) “Where’s Beyonce?”

Letterman: (audience laughs, claps) Really? Really? Wow. She was at the party?

Diddy: He came to the party to holler at Beyonce! This was before Jay Z though, you know what I’m saying? He came to the party to holler at Beyonce, finds her, then dances with Beyonce in the party.

Letterman: Really?

Diddy: Mike was smooth, Jack.

Another interview with P.Diddy talking about Mike hollering for Beyonce

“I was always impressed about how down to Earth he was. But this is actually down to Earth, he’s asking if it’s alright to come to this party. He said, like, “This party’s really hot. You gotta invite me to more of your parties.” And then he leans over to me and he’s like, we’re taking some pictures and he’s like, “Where’s Beyonce?” I’m like, I’m like I didn’t think I heard him correctly. He’s like, “You know, I heard she’s here, where’s Beyonce?”

And I’m like, “Okay, well hold on, let me go find out where she’s at.”

So I round up on B, B’s on the dancefloor and I’m like, “B, um, you know, Michael’s here, he wants to meet you.” So I get Mike, you know bring him over, he’s like, “I love the record,” whatever, whatever.

He goes to tell the DJ to play the record. DJ plays the record.

And um, I recall them dancing, I don’t want to be quoted for that, that could’ve been in my imagination, but I do recall them dancing or something but even if they never danced that’s the way it is in my mind, but I’m pretty sure that they did dance.

But the whole recollection of that is that – it was so real that Mike recognized the greatness in Beyonce early. He had no ego about it and was ready to meet her and give her hers and he was also ready to go for his as a man. I think we all as men at the time wanted to dance with Beyonce. Michael had the courage enough to come to a party, ask for Beyonce and even dance with her.
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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 10:10 am

Nelson George about the fine assed women in the studio with MJ, MJ going to a party to see Beyonce and getting one of his people to get another girl’s number, Conversations on Michael's Black America, June 4 2010

link to interview, starts at 86:00

“You know it’s funny… Michael was a big sex symbol. Which has kind of got lost in the thing, but Michael was a huge sex symbol and… I’ll tell a story that’s not in the book because I actually didn’t have the right framework for it but in talking to LA Reid and talking to Teddy Riley, guys that spent a lot of time with him, they both told me stories about these women in the studio. It’s an interesting thing, everyone has their perceptions about what Michael was about, but I’ll tell you what… LA Reid is a guy I know very well, I know Teddy Riley very well, these are very straight guys. And they’re telling me that Michael had fine-ass women in the studio, you know, hanging out with him. I believe them. But also, the other thing he said about that was that he… would not… this is another story, another story, another friend of mine, a giant Michael Jackson fan, befriended him, I guess it must be around the turn of the century. So he goes to a party with Michael, Michael’s asking him, “Where’s Beyonce?” ‘Cause he’s never met Beyonce at this point, ’cause he wanted to see her, he made a reference about her derriere. And he goes, “I want to see the girl with the…[derriere]” So he introduces him to Beyonce.

And Michael sees a woman in the crowd, and gets them to bring her over, Michael chats with her, Michael does not take her phone number. As any well known star knows you never take the phone number, your man takes the phone number. So this guy ends up getting the number for Michael. So it’s interesting that there’s this whole narrative about Michael as a heterosexual male, hanging out with guys I know who are very heterosexual male, but there’s something interesting… he himself, would never consciously publicly… it was like he had this whole thing… he was selling the innocent, magical thing.”
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PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 10:16 am

With Magdalena, interviewer in Gold Magazine, 2002 Interview

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Magdalena: Who would be your ideal leading lady, and why?

Michael: An actress? [laughs] You and I should do a film together. Let’s do it, I’d love that…
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PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 10:23 am

With an Unknown Fan, Bashir Documentary, 2002

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Fan (outside car): Michael can I get a hug? Can I get a hug Michael?
MJ: Let her in, let her in, let her, she won’t hurt me.
Fan (entering car): Can I give you a hug?
MJ: Of course. (going to hug her) I’ll give you more than a hug.
Bashir: Sorry?
MJ: (laughs and hugs the girl)

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1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stories About Michael The Flirt   1972 - Stories About Michael The Flirt - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 10:36 am

With Flight Attendants

Frank Cascio’s book, speaking about flying out to Seoul in 1999:

The whole first class cabin was empty except for me and another gentleman, but the flight attendants were pretty. I had learned to flirt with flight attendants from Michael: they always had interesting stories to tell. Michael and I always asked them about their favorite travel destinations, whether they were married or had boyfriends, and so on.

Cynthia Bell

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Lauren Wallace

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Bashir Documentary 2002

Jackson wonders if Bashir likes flying.

Bashir claims he hates it, and says that the people on airplanes drink too much because they get alcohol for free (implying that he only flies first class).

Michael says that he loves to talk to the stewardesses, but Bashir doesn’t find that worth discussing. Michael continues with the subject, teasing Bashir about flight attendants, mentioning that he likes how women take care of him. But Bashir chooses to ignore the topic.

Cynthia Bell, prosecution witness, trial, 2005

The second flight attendant, Cindy Bell, was also an attractive woman, a blonde with a great smile. She seemed completely capable and sure of herself, and looked like she was very happy to see Michael. Even under the circumstances.

Miss Bell had a sweet expression on her face as she locked eyes with the pop star, who gently rocked back and forth in his seat behind the defense table.

Testimony from flight attendant, Cynthia Bell, Thomas Mesereau cross:

27 jury that you perceive Michael Jackson as a touchy-

28 feely kind of person, right? 4165

1 A. That is correct.

2 Q. And you said he was touchy-feely, kind of,

3 to you, right?

4 A. That is correct.

5 Q. What do you mean by that?

6 A. Well, he’s very soft-spoken, and typically

7 because of — he’s very polite and very soft-spoken,

8 I would have to kneel and gain eye contact with Mr.

9 Jackson. And, you know, he is very, you know — you

10 know, would touch my arm when we were communicating.

11 I don’t mean touchy-feely like in a weird sort of

12 manner. Just sort of a polite, gaining eye contact,

13 you know, maintaining, you know, communication that

14 way.

Lauren Wallace, prosecution witness, court 2005

Michael took off his sunglasses to get a better look at a beautiful tall blonde who entered the courtroom: Miss Lauren Wallace, a flight attendant who had served him numerous times. With her long blonde hair and perfect figure accented by a white pant suits and sexy black camisole, Miss Wallace had everyone in the courtroom paying attention. The blonde bombshell was one of the head flight attendants for Extrajet, a private airline that Michael often chartered for himself, his guests, and his three children.

As the gorgeous young woman was sworn in, staring over at Michael with adoring eyes, the pop star looked at her with a curious expression. It seemed like Michael was attracted to her on some level, but then he put on his wire-rimmed reading glasses and began glancing at notes from Messereau. Apparently, Michael didn’t want to be distracted by her beauty. Michael was anxious to hear what she’d been called to talk about.

Lauren Wallace, testimony:

The larger-than-life singer once wrote a personal note to one of her family friends who was very sick.

He was kind, gracious and polite to Wallace, the sole flight attendant on many XtraJet private flights that the one-time King of Pop chartered between California, Florida and other points.

In fact, they had “developed a strong professional friendship, I guess you could say,” Wallace said.

“He was wonderful, he was very kind, he was very humble, he was very gracious, very polite all the time,” Wallace said. “Sometimes he would joke around.”

“It was rare that we would sit down and chat, but on a couple occasions we would,” she said.

“It was wonderful getting to see him again,” she said, noting however that “it’s hard to be in that position when I like him so much.

“I was very flattered that he remembered me and was very coherent and knew who I was,” she said. “I was surprised. I expected him to be out of it. I was very surprised at his ability to recognize me.”

“I’ve been happy to fly Mr. Jackson and his family from day one, and I will remain that way,” she said. “It’s been a wonderful journey and experience, and it will be again.”
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