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 Jackson Five- 1970

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Join date : 2011-12-27

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PostSubject: Jackson Five- 1970   jackson - Jackson Five- 1970 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 27, 2011 6:04 am

Gardner St. Elementary School
Hollywood, CA

Michael attends Gardner St. School as a sixth-grader from 1969 to 1970 (six months) before moving forward to private tutoring. He goes to school in the morning and performs with the Jackson Five at night.

This is his class photo back in 1970.

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The Jackson 5 receive their first Image Award from the NAACP for Best Singing Group of the year.

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January 31:

The Jackson 5 perform I Want You Back on the Andy Williams Show.

February 21:

The Jackson 5 perform I Want You Back, ABC and a medley of Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah/There Was A Time on American Bandstand hosted by Dick Clark.

February 24:

The single ABC is released (number 1 on the Hot 100 Billboard)

May 2:

The Jackson 5 give their first concert as Motown performers at Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

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May 8:

The album ABC is released and it becomes number 1!

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May 10:

The Jackson 5 perform I Want You Back/ABC/The Love You Save on the Ed Sullivan Show.

May 13:

The single The Love You Save is released (number 1 on the Hot 100 Billboard)

June 1:

The Jackson 5 are on the cover of Soul Magazine.

June 19:

Concert in San Francisco (California)

June 20:

Concert at the Los Angeles Forum (California) before an audience of 18 000. At one point in the show, teenage girls invade the stage forcing the group to run for safety!

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The single I’ll Be There is released and becomes the fourth consecutive number 1 single of the group on the Hot 100 Billboard which is a first for the music industry!

August 6:

The Jackson 5 are on the cover of Jet magazine for the first time.

August 12:

Concert in Detroit (Michigan)

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September 15:

The Third Album is released and becomes number 1.

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September 17:

The J5 perform The Love You Save & I’ll Be There at the Jim Nabors Show

Part 1 missing

October 9:

The Jackson 5 kick off their first national tour in Boston (Massachussets) They are accompanied by a private tutor, Rose Fine.

October 10:

The Jackson 5 sing the National Anthem at the opening game of the World Series at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati (Ohio)

October 10:

Concert in Cincinnati, Ohio

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October 11:

Concert in Memphis (Tennessee)

October 15:

The Jackson 5 Christmas Album is released on Motown.

October 16:

Concert at the Madison Square Garden of New York (New York)

October 17:

Concert at the Olympia Stadium of Detroit (Michigan)

October 18:

Concert at the Amphitheater of Chicago (Illinois)


The Jackson family moves in a new house rented by Motown in Bowmont Drive, Beverly Hills.

The single Santa Claus Is Coming to Town is released by Motown.

November 28:

Concert at the War Memorial Auditorium in Rochester (New York)

December 24:

The Jackson 5 are on the cover of Jet magazine.

December 27:

Concert in Charlotte (New Carolina)

December 28:

Concert in Greensboro (New Carolina)

December 29:

Concert in Nashville (Tennesseee)

December 30:

Concert in Jacksonville (Florida)
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