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 Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes

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PostSubject: Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes   Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 11:39 am

"I dream of you at night," Message Behind A Painting, Julien's Auction


Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes 01-18

Written on the back:

Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes 02-14

I dream of you at night
You whisper in my ear
I wait for you in silence
Yet still you won’t appear
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PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes   Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 11:44 am

"You are my only love," Dated Valentine's Day 1991, Message Behind A Painting, Julien's Auction

Speculated linked to a woman Liza Minnelli says Michael Jackson had proposed to in the early 90s:

Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes 2mo3tq1

I still can feel you with me
Even though your [sic] far above
I love you so completely
You are my only love
- 2. 14. 1991
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PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes   Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 11:50 am

"Thank you for illuminating my whole being," Love Note - Unknown Time And Source

Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes 15nrq4m

[Name blacked out]

Thank you for illuminating my whole being. You continue to surprise me with both fantasy and wonder. I’m so sorry for not being here when you wake up. I love you, [name blacked out]. From the bottom of my heart and soul, from France to Italy, I love you.

I will call you when I have landed.
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PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes   Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 11:59 am

"I'm Crazy For You - Love, Turd" Michael's Note to Lisa Marie Presley, sometime 1993-1996

Put up for sale on Julien’s Auctions, 2012

Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes Mjlettercrazyforyou

Smell here ——>


I truly need
this rest
I hayven’t [sic] slept
litterally [sic] in 4 days now
I need to be away
from phones and
business people.
I must take care
of my health first.
Im’ crazy for you.

-Love Turd

“Turd” seems to be Lisa’s nickname for Michael, a play on the nickname a lot of Michael’s family and friends had for Michael, “Doodoohead.”

Lisa Marie’s response to finding out that it had been put up for auction:

Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes 01-19

The letter was subsequently removed from the auction:

A letter Michael Jackson wrote to Lisa Marie Presley — complaining about the problem that ultimately killed the singer — has been yanked from the auction block after Lisa Marie pitched a fit.

So Julien’s Auction in Beverly Hills — the same company selling off Elvis’ crypt — has capitulated to Elvis’ daughter. Owner Darren Julien tells TMZ, “I’m assuming it’s a personal nature, and we wanted to honor the request and continue our good relationship with Ms. Presley.”

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Posts : 6397
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PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes   Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 12:32 pm

"Why Did You Take Away Your Love?" Love Letter Written After Blanket's Birth in 2002 (possibly after 2005?)- Unknown Time And Source

Front of letter:

Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes 01-20

[Blacked out]

Why did you take away your love, the same love that made me unable to speak and made me forget my worries, the love that saved me? Tell me, did I come to [sic] short? Wasn’t I enough? Have I done or said something wrong? I believe in miracles and [blocked] angels. I know you escaped through heaven’s gates to brighten the [blocked]. I believe in FAITH, deep inside I feel that nature has banded us.

I have seen nothing but misery in my life until [blocked] all these years, I have been seeking to give while I only desire now to receive from you. Your heart commanded me to follow while my soul was hurt and my mind CONFUSED.

I allowed you to take possession of my feelings. In return, I loved, obeyed and honored you beyond words.

I revealed myself to you in ways from which I thought they were impossible.

I saw and still see you as my soulmate, as my wife and as the mother of my fourth child.

Back of letter:

Michael Jackson Love Letters and Love Notes 02-15

Then what is your reason for leaving?

Why did you go away, silently in the middle of the night without me, the slave of your heart?

I cannot conceive it possible.

I know we are meant to be, I can feel it. Still I have no regrets for what happened between us, [blacked out]. I can only come to the conclusion that you have made an unnatural decision that was not supported by your heart, nor were these your words. It is my will to believe that other matters have caused you to run away like this.

But whatever the reason maybe, I will not let it divide us. I prefer myself to believe that our parting is only temporary.

Let me strive for another outcome.

[blacked out]

For ever yours,

[blacked out]

Call me [blacked out]

Reported source for the info, copy and pasted:

it’s a newspaper article, claiming to have spoken with a previous girlfriend of Michael, who could “prove” this with a love letter
The title is “We’re getting the facts right. Is this the prove that J**o was not gay?”
Former girlfriend shows proof.

The writer asks why she comes forward while she wants to remain anonymous.
She tells she is tired of the lies and the filthy press. She wants the world to see and know Michael for who he really was. She is not looking for publicity or money.
She tells he always was a loving person, very sweet, always concerned, nervous type, cared for and wanted to save the entire world.
She refused to answer to intimate questions concerning their relationship, if they had sex etc.
She says people who accused him from all these bad things should go straight to prison or hell.
She says they broke him, hurt him so much, he was lost when she met him the first time. He feared to trust.
She also tells about how much he loved the fans, how much they meant to Michael, how much he talked about the fans and how he missed the fans during the years he was gone. Then she talks about Michael and children, that he lived for children. There is also a part about Neverland. She never went there. She never asked Michael to go there with her. She did view pictures of Neverland from before the accusations.

That is the article in short. No much news.
Next weekend is part 2 of the story and they promise the continue of the letter!
At the end it says that the lady refused money for the interview and her name and intimate details in the letter have been removed to keep her anonymity
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