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 March 17, 2006 Statement Regarding Neverland Ranch

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March 17, 2006 Statement Regarding Neverland Ranch Empty
PostSubject: March 17, 2006 Statement Regarding Neverland Ranch   March 17, 2006 Statement Regarding Neverland Ranch Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2011 11:16 am

Washington, D.C.. It is public knowledge that Mr. Jackson currently resides in the Middle Eastern country of Bahrain. He therefore decided to close his house and reduce his workforce. This is a common
practice when a residence is vacant for an extended period of time.
Reports indicating that Neverland has been closed or “shut down” for good
are inaccurate.

There will be no further comments regarding this matter.

Raymone Bain
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March 17, 2006 Statement Regarding Neverland Ranch
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